Curriculum Details

We Offer IGCSE British Curriculum and High School Diploma

Both the IGCSE British Curriculum and the High School Diploma provide students with valuable educational experiences and equip them with the necessary skills for their future endeavors. While the British Curriculum offers a structured and internationally recognized framework, the High School Diploma provides a flexible yet rigorous education that is highly valued. Ultimately, both credentials aim to provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge, skills, and competencies to succeed in higher education and beyond.


At ATLAS International School, our Kindergarten thematic units are designed with a variety of play-based activities. Play-based learning has been proven through research to improve language, literacy, and social and emotional skills. Our students are involved in inquiry-based exercises where teachers are supervisors for guidance. The majority of Kindergarten play-based activities are cross-curricular and designed to achieve outcomes from multiple common core areas.


(3 TO 4 YEARS)

At this stage, we provide a lot of opportunities for your child to learn interpersonal/communication skills and work together in a variety of situations. Our activities include hygiene practices, positive guidance, rhymes/theme, painting/crafts, and lessons that further the students’ level of fundamental education (ABCs, numbers, shades of colors, animals, shapes, etc.), and also foster their physical development.

(4 TO 5 YEARS)

From this stage, students are expected to show more independence, speak English language fluently, and begin reading and writing. Through writing, reading, singing songs, show and tell, art activities, and field trips; the children learn not only good interaction among themselves but also lifelong skills such as confidence, listening, good communication, and independence in thinking as well as learning.

(5 TO 6 YEARS)

This class has a reading scheme to encourage and help the students to read in English. This has been a great success, with some students reading two or three books every week! They can also write the alphabet, words, and short sentences by the end of this stage. We incorporate story time and art activities in our syllabus for children to build confidence, a sense of independence, cooperation, and a love for learning!


We value our students’ holistic development as individuals and as positive members of our global society. We want every student to achieve excellent academic progress by developing lifelong learning habits.

Our teaching staff and organization are passionate about learning; this shows in every aspect of the ATLAS curriculum and ensures that we nurture a love of learning in all our students. In their learning, we include local values and linguistic, mathematical, scientific, social, physical, and artistic skills.

The Primary School is also committed to positive and effective home-school partnerships. We encourage and expect all our parents to participate in their child’s education and the wider life of the school. There is a strong parent volunteer program and a rich calendar of extracurricular community events and information evenings for parents.


Our school has a wide and rich curriculum that challenges each student. The curriculum within various subjects and courses motivates students to have a love of learning and helps them acquire valuable knowledge, understanding, and skills in every aspect of their education. This includes local values along with linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technical, human, social, physical, and artistic learning.


At this stage, ATLAS offers a concept and skills-based curriculum that encourages student inquiry and helps students develop personal understanding and a sense of responsibility in their community.

Our Language Program is designed to improve students’ written and verbal skills across multiple languages in order to meet their current and future personal and academic language needs. Access to technology enables our students to be self-directed and responsible learners. Technology is thoughtfully integrated into our curriculum to enhance student’s understanding of subjects and foster enthusiasm as they create and problem-solve. We inspire our students to become curious learners and guide them to be responsible digital citizens.